Armando Nuñez, Jr., was named President, CBS Paramount International Television, following the merger of CBS Broadcast International and Paramount International Television in August 2004. One of the international television industry’s most successful executives, he joined CBS Broadcast International as President in July 1999. In January 2000, following the merger of CBS Television and King World Productions, he assumed the role of President, CBS Broadcast International, and Executive Vice President, CBS Enterprises.
In his role as President, CBS Paramount International Television, Nuñez has oversight of all international distribution, sales and marketing for programming assets from King World, CBS News, CBS Paramount Television’s network and syndicated areas as well as the largest library of television product. In addition, he is in charge of creating and licensing of international formats such as Next Top Model, directs nine offices worldwide, and manages the company’s interests in TV1, a classic television series channel in Australia. |